Routing and

Siting Support

Routing and Siting Support

The success of your project depends on the careful consideration of routing and siting, influencing everything from detailed design and construction to ongoing operation and project lifespan. Critical factors such as constructability, land use, environmental impact, permits, community relations, project costs, and easement access play pivotal roles within this framework. These elements harbor sub-factors that significantly influence the scoring criteria in the route study and comparison matrix.

• Siting considerations
• Preliminary corridors identification phase
• Identification of preferred and alternative routes
• Data collection and evaluation and desktop feasibility study using available aerial orthophotography, GIS mapping layers and conduct web-based research
• Assess environmental factors such as: land use types, state and federal protected species impacts, wetland and waterway, environmental data (ESRI, FWS, NWI, FEMA)
• Assess infrastructure factors such as: length of line, highway, railroad and bridge crossings, number of ownership parcels, access, trenchless methods, existing utility ROW and interfaces
• Assess economic factors such as: cost and schedule impacts, reliability and outage impacts
• Prepare route maps in DGN and KMZ format
• Prepare evaluation matrix
• Preliminary scope of work for topographic surveying
• Route map refinement
• Detail scope of work for topographic Surveying on preferred route (QLB and QLC)
• Test pit investigation (QLA)
• Plan & profile based on the survey data
• Detail scope of work for geotechnical surveying and investigation
• Detail scope of work for soil thermal resistivity test
• Support during actual surveys
• Permitting support
• Public outreach support.